A few months ago, Chris started this thing...when someone talks to him, like a cashier at a store or someone we see that he doesn't know very well, he makes this "scary" face and says "RAAHH!" I thought it was from Halloween and his obsession with scary stuff around that time. I know we didn't teach him to do that. Anyway, it's pretty funny and most people get a good laugh out of it, so I haven't really given it any thought. This evening I was trying out my new scanner so I went and got the box of my old pictures from the closet to find one to test out. I haven't looked at them in a couple of years so I got caught up in looking at a lot of them. Then I came across the funniest thing...a picture of me and my cousins from Christmas 1985. I was about 2 months older in this picture than Chris is now, and the resemblance is amazing! Obviously, I'm the cute one on the left.