We are HOME and it's good to be back! The day didn't exactly go as planned though. We got up and Buddy went to work at 10 like usual. The plan was for him to get off this afternoon, for me to have some of our things packed, and for us to take our time about getting home late tonight. So I came back to the hotel, played around on the computer for a little bit, and talked to the housekeepers and the maintenance guy who came to fix our phone. Around 11:45 I thought I better get started, so I started taking our clothes out of the dresser and putting them in the suitcases. Then Buddy called with the first glitch in the plan. Instead of having a day or two off to get home and settled like he was expecting, he was informed that he has to be at the new job at 10am tomorrow morning. Which only meant that we needed to leave this afternoon instead of getting home late, so he could get some rest. No big deal, I kept packing things up but still not majorly rushing. Then he called back at 12:25. Apparently someone had called him from the hotel to tell him that if we didn't want to have to pay for another day, we needed to be out no later than 1pm. Until then, all the hotel people had been very nice and lenient to us, since we had been living there for so long. And I had already talked to the housekeepers about us leaving in the evening. But now I had 35 minutes to pack up 5 1/2 weeks worth of stuff and get it out to the car, with Chris trying to follow me outside every time, while it is pouring down raining. Not possible. Buddy told me to just come pick him up, so I did. He went and checked us out and then we were able to pack up the rest of our things. It took the two of us till 1:20 to get everything loaded up, and our car was so full there was hardly any room for us to sit! Then he had to go back and finish working and fill out all his end-of-training paperwork. We couldn't stay at the hotel, it was raining so we couldn't go to a park, and I didn't want to go to the mall with a bunch of steal-worthy items in plain view. So Chris and I sat at Applebee's for about 2 1/2 hours waiting for him to get off. It was not so bad at the beginning, there were plenty of employees there and they talked to us and made Chris some balloon animals. Then we ate lunch and dessert. Towards the end though we were both getting restless. Finally we were ready to gas up and head home. The drive was not bad, we are used to it I guess. We finally got back in town, unloaded some things onto the livingroom floor, and went to Chuck-E-Cheese. We had fun and Chris was happy with the little prizes he won: a snake, some nasty bugs, suckers, and stickers. All that is left to do now is get all the things unpacked and reorganized. But first, we need rest.